Stephen Cole
Stephen Cole
Eminent Member
Topics: 14 / Replies: 19
RE: New modeler question

@tofi I'm not sure, but it looks like the pins are different than the ones in the instructions. In theory, it should press fit at either end. If it's ...

5 years ago
RE: New modeler question

Do you have any pictures of the parts and instructions?

5 years ago
RE: Stephen Cole 1/35 Tiger II Ausf. B

Here is a video showing how to add pictures to the site. Again, I apologize for the missed step.

5 years ago
RE: Stephen Cole 1/35 Tiger II Ausf. B

I missed a step in my explanation and I apologize. Once you've uploaded and added the pictures you want to the post, you click the My Media button a...

5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 652
RE: Test Poll

@radarva You may have to start a new post or reply. I do see the pictures in the system so all you have to do is add them to the new post or reply.

5 years ago
RE: Test Poll

I see your pictures Radar, all you have to do is go back to your post, hit the My Media button at the bottom, select the pictures (checkbox on the rig...

5 years ago
RE: Test Poll

@radarva At the bottom of a post, click "My Media" then "Add Files" a window will pop up to select your pictures. Once you've selected your picture or...

5 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 598
RE: Test Poll

@radarva I put in a special option just for you so I would know 🤣

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 788
RE: Sopwith Dolphin 5F1 (Wingnut Wings)

Also, didn't realize you were the one who said that you couldn't login and reset your password... 😣

7 years ago
RE: Sopwith Dolphin 5F1 (Wingnut Wings)

Try again when you get a chance, the plugin that drives that was expired, I've purchased a new license.

7 years ago
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