@tofi I'm not sure, but it looks like the pins are different than the ones in the instructions. In theory, it should press fit at either end. If it's ...
Do you have any pictures of the parts and instructions?
Here is a video showing how to add pictures to the site. Again, I apologize for the missed step.
I missed a step in my explanation and I apologize. Once you've uploaded and added the pictures you want to the post, you click the My Media button a...
@radarva You may have to start a new post or reply. I do see the pictures in the system so all you have to do is add them to the new post or reply.
I see your pictures Radar, all you have to do is go back to your post, hit the My Media button at the bottom, select the pictures (checkbox on the rig...
@radarva At the bottom of a post, click "My Media" then "Add Files" a window will pop up to select your pictures. Once you've selected your picture or...
@radarva I put in a special option just for you so I would know 🤣
Image test
Also, didn't realize you were the one who said that you couldn't login and reset your password... 😣
Try again when you get a chance, the plugin that drives that was expired, I've purchased a new license.