Bob Elwell - 1/72 H...
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Bob Elwell - 1/72 Hasegawa He-111

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I converted the kit to an H-1 by cutting back the supercharger intakes and forming new, low-profile oil cooler intakes (made from small copper squares cut from a sheet flashing and hammered thin until they were easy to shape).  The model represents an aircraft shot down during the BoB on 25 Sep 40.  After painting the underside RLM 65, I used black pastel to replicate the temporary black distemper used to tone down aircraft used for night operations.  Messy, but I like the effect.  Despite my efforts to prevent it, the fuselage decals silvered (which makes me incredibly unhappy).  I need to revisit my technique for prepping a surface for decals.

Although I have 3 more He-111s (including an He-111Z) under construction, I decided to take a break and

work on a 1/350 Japanese destroyer - minimal decals and no splinter camouflage.

